Prediction-error neurons in circuits with multiple neuron types: Formation, refinement, and functional implications


Prediction-error neurons in circuits with multiple neuron types: Formation, refinement, and functional implications

Hertäg L, Clopath C
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022,

Memory's gatekeeper: the role of PFC in the encoding of familiar events


Memory's gatekeeper: the role of PFC in the encoding of familiar events

Guerreiro I.C., Clopath C.
PNAS, 2024,

Learning to Express Reward Prediction Error-like Dopaminergic Activity Requires Plastic Representations of Time


Learning to Express Reward Prediction Error-like Dopaminergic Activity Requires Plastic Representations of Time

Cone I., Clopath C., Shouval H.Z.
Nat. Com., 2024,

Learning with filopodia and spines: Complementary strong and weak competition lead to specialized, graded, and protected receptive fields


Learning with filopodia and spines: Complementary strong and weak competition lead to specialized, graded, and protected receptive fields

Albesa-González A., Clopath C.
PLoS, 2024,

De novo motor learning creates structure in neural activity space that shapes adaptation


De novo motor learning creates structure in neural activity space that shapes adaptation

Chang J.C., Perich M.G., Miller L.E., Gallego J.A.*, Clopath C.*
Nat. Com., 2024,

The Impact of Spike Timing Precision and Spike Emission Reliability on Decoding Accuracy


The Impact of Spike Timing Precision and Spike Emission Reliability on Decoding Accuracy

Nicola W., Newton T. R., Clopath
Scientific Reports, 2024,

RatInABox, a toolkit for modelling locomotion and neuronal activity in continuous environments


RatInABox, a toolkit for modelling locomotion and neuronal activity in continuous environments

George T.M., Rastogi M., de Cothi W., Clopath C., Stachenfeld K., Barry C.
eLife, 2024,

Intrinsic neural excitability biases allocation and overlap of memory engrams


Intrinsic neural excitability biases allocation and overlap of memory engrams

Delamare G., Feitosa Tomé D. and Clopath C.
J. of Neurosci., 2024,

Minute-scale oscillatory sequences in medial entorhinal cortex


Latent Representations in Hippocampal Network Model Co-Evolve with Behavioral Exploration of Task Structure

Cone I and Clopath C.
Nature Communication, 2024,,

Latent Representations in Hippocampal Network Model Co-Evolve with Behavioral Exploration of Task Structure


Dynamic and selective engrams emerge with memory consolidation

Feitosa Tomé D, Zhang Y, Aida T, Mosto O, Lu Y, Chen M, Sadeh S, Roy D, Clopath C
Nature Neuroscience, 2024,

Minute-scale oscillatory sequences in medial entorhinal cortex


Minute-scale oscillatory sequences in medial entorhinal cortex

Gonzalo Cogno S et al.
Nature, 2024,

Disinhibition by VIP interneurons is orthogonal to cross-modal attentional modulation in primary visual cortex


Disinhibition by VIP interneurons is orthogonal to cross-modal attentional modulation in primary visual cortex

Myers-Joseph D, Wilmes KA, Fernandez-Otero M, Clopath C, Khan AG
Neuron, 2023,, 2023

Long- and short-term history effects in a spiking network model of statistical learning


Long- and short-term history effects in a spiking network model of statistical learning

Maes A, Barahona M, Clopath C
Scientific Reports, 2023

Synaptic weights that correlate with presynaptic selectivity increase decoding performance


Synaptic weights that correlate with presynaptic selectivity increase decoding performance

Gallinaro J, Scholl B, Clopath C
PLoS CB, 2023,

Age-related dysregulation of homeostatic control in neuronal micro-circuits

Age-related dysregulation of homeostatic control in neuronal micro-circuits

Radulescu CI et al.
Nature Neuroscience, 2023,

Dendrites help mitigate the plasticity-stability dilemma


Dendrites help mitigate the plasticity-stability dilemma

Wilmes KA, Clopath C
Scientific Reports, 2023,

Multi-synaptic boutons are a feature of CA1 hippocampal connections in the stratum oriens


Multi-synaptic boutons are a feature of CA1 hippocampal connections in the stratum oriens

Rigby M et al.
Cell Reports, 2023,

Learning predictive cognitive maps with spiking neurons during behavior and replays


Learning predictive cognitive maps with spiking neurons during behavior and replays

Bono J, Zannone S, Pedrosa V, Clopath C
eLife, 2023,

Postsynaptic burst reactivation of hippocampal neurons enables associative plasticity of temporally discontiguous inputs


Postsynaptic burst reactivation of hippocampal neurons enables associative plasticity of temporally discontiguous inputs

Fuchsberger T, Clopath C, Jarzebowski P, Brzosko Z, Wang H, Paulsen O
eLife, 2022,

Contribution of behavioural variability to representational drift


Contribution of behavioural variability to representational drift

Sadeh S, Clopath C
eLife, 2022,

Small, correlated changes in synaptic connectivity may facilitate rapid motor learning


Small, correlated changes in synaptic connectivity may facilitate rapid motor learning

Feulner B, Perich MG, Chowdhury RH, Miller LE, Gallego JA, Clopath C
Nature Communications, 2022,

Dopamine and serotonin interplay for valence-based spatial learning


Dopamine and serotonin interplay for valence-based spatial learning

Wert Carvajal C, Reneaux M, Tchumatchenko T, Clopath C
Cell Reports, 2022,

Maslow's Hammer in Catastrophic Forgetting: Node Re-Use vs. Node Activation


Maslow's Hammer in Catastrophic Forgetting: Node Re-Use vs. Node Activation

Lee S, Mannelli SS, Clopath C, Goldt S, Saxe AM
International Conference for Machine Learning, 2022,

Coordinated hippocampal-thalamic-cortical communication crucial for engram dynamics underneath systems consolidation


Coordinated hippocampal-thalamic-cortical communication crucial for engram dynamics underneath systems consolidation

Tomé DF, Sadeh S, Clopath C
Nature Communications, 2022,

Separable actions of acetylcholine and noradrenaline on neuronal ensemble formation in hippocampal CA3 circuits


Separable actions of acetylcholine and noradrenaline on neuronal ensemble formation in hippocampal CA3 circuits

Prince LY, et al.
Plos Comp. Biol., 2021, doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009435

Excitatory-inhibitory balance modulates the formation and dynamics of neuronal assemblies in cortical networks


Excitatory-inhibitory balance modulates the formation and dynamics of neuronal assemblies in cortical networks

Sadeh S, Clopath C
Science Advances, 2021, doi/10.1126/sciadv.abg8411

Free recall scaling laws and short-term memory effects in a latching attractor network


Free recall scaling laws and short-term memory effects in a latching attractor network

Boboeva V, Pezzotta A, Clopath C
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021, doi/10.1073/pnas.2026092118

Memories in a network with excitatory and inhibitory plasticity are encoded in the spiking irregularity


Memories in a network with excitatory and inhibitory plasticity are encoded in the spiking irregularity

Gallinaro JV, Clopath C
Plos Comp. Biol., 2021, doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009593

Network-centered homeostasis through inhibition maintains hippocampal spatial map and cortical circuit function


Network-centered homeostasis through inhibition maintains hippocampal spatial map and cortical circuit function

Kaleb K, Pedrosa V, Clopath C
Cell Reports, 2021, doi/10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109577

The functional role of sequentially neuromodulated synaptic plasticity in behavioural learning


The functional role of sequentially neuromodulated synaptic plasticity in behavioural learning

Ang GWY, Tang CS, Hay YA, Zannone S, Paulsen O, Clopath C
Plos Comp. Biol., 2021, doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009017

Learning compositional sequences with multiple time scales through a hierarchical network of spiking neurons


Learning compositional sequences with multiple time scales through a hierarchical network of spiking neurons

Maes A, Barahona M, Clopath C
Plos Comp. Biol., 2021, doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008866

Neural manifold under plasticity in a goal driven learning behaviour


Neural manifold under plasticity in a goal driven learning behaviour

Feulner B, Clopath C
Plos Comp. Biol., 2021, doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008621

Theory of neuronal perturbome in cortical networks


Theory of neuronal perturbome in cortical networks

Sadeh S, Clopath C
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, doi:10.1073/pnas.2004568117

The interplay between somatic and dendritic inhibition promotes the emergence and stabilization of place fields


The interplay between somatic and dendritic inhibition promotes the emergence and stabilization of place fields

Pedrosa V, Clopath C
Plos Comp. Biol., 2020, doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007955

Population coupling predicts the plasticity of stimulus responses in cortical circuits


Population coupling predicts the plasticity of stimulus responses in cortical circuits

Sweeney Y, Clopath C
eLife, 2020, doi:10.7554/eLife.56053

Patterned perturbation of inhibition can reveal the dynamical structure of neural processing


Patterned perturbation of inhibition can reveal the dynamical structure of neural processing

Sadeh S, Clopath C
eLife, 2020, doi:10.7554/eLife.52757

Learning spatiotemporal sequences using a recurrent spiking network that discretizes time


Learning spatiotemporal signals using a recurrent spiking network that discretizes time

Maes A, Barahona M, Clopath C
Plos Comp. Biol., 2020, doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007606

Audio-visual experience strengthens multisensory assemblies in adult mouse visual cortex


Audio-visual experience strengthens multisensory assemblies in adult mouse visual cortex

Knöpfel T, Sweeney Y, Radulescu C, Zabouri N, Doostdar N, Clopath C, Barnes S
Nature Communications, 2019, doi:10.1038/s41467-019-13607-2

Inhibitory microcircuits for top-down plasticity of sensory representations


Inhibitory microcircuits for top-down plasticity of sensory representations

Wilmes K, Clopath C
Nature Communications, 2019, doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12972-2

A diversity of interneurons and Hebbian plasticity facilitate rapid compressible learning in the hippocampus


A diversity of interneurons and Hebbian plasticity facilitate rapid compressible learning in the hippocampus

Nicola W, Clopath C
Nature Neuroscience, 2019, doi:10.1038/s41593-019-0415-2

Inhibitory neuron plasticity as a mechanism for ocular dominance plasticity


Synaptic plasticity onto inhibitory neurons as a mechanism for ocular dominance plasticity

Bono J, Clopath C
Plos Comp. Biol., 2019, doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006834

Plasticity in Auditory Cortex


ON-OFF receptive fields in auditory cortex diverge during development and contribute to directional sweep selectivity

Sollini J, Chapuis G, Clopath C*, Chadderton P*
Nature Communications, 2018, doi:10.1038/s41467-018-04548-3

Supervised learning in spiking neural networks with FORCE training


Supervised learning in spiking neural networks with FORCE training

Nicola W, Clopath C
Nature Communications, 2017, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01827-3

Sequential neuromodulation of Hebbian plasticity in reward-based navigation


Sequential neuromodulation of Hebbian plasticity offers mechanism for effective reward-based navigation.

Brzosko Z*, Zannone S*, Schultz W, Clopath C#, Paulsen O#
eLife, 2017, doi:10.7554/eLife.27756

Modeling Dendritic Spikes and Plasticity


Modeling somatic and dendritic spike mediated plasticity at the single neuron and network level

Bono J, Clopath C
Nature Communications, 2017, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00740-z

The Role of Neuromodulators in Cortical Plasticity. A Computational Perspective.


The Role of Neuromodulators in Cortical Plasticity. A Computational Perspective.

Pedrosa V and Clopath C
Front. Synaptic Neurosci., 2017, doi:10.3389/fnsyn.2016.00038

Spatial structure from diffusive synaptic plasticity


Emergent spatial synaptic structure from diffusive plasticity

Sweeney Y, Clopath C
European Journal of Neuroscience, 2016

Network with electrical synapses and subthreshold resonance


Oscillations emerging from noise-driven steady state in networks with electrical synapses and subthreshold resonance.

Tchumatchenko T*, Clopath C*
Nature Communications, 2014,5,5512, doi:10.1038/ncomms6512

VOR model


A cerebellar learning model of vestibulo-ocular reflex adaptation in wild-type and mutant mice.

Clopath C*, Badura A*, de Zeuuw CI and Brunel N
Journal of Neuroscience, 2014, 34(21):7203-7215

Voltage-based triplet plasticity model


Connectivity reflects coding: A model of voltage-based spike-timing-dependent-plasticity with homeostasis.

Clopath C, Buesing L, Vasilaki E and Gerstner W
Nature Neuroscience, 2010, 13, 344-352

Voltage and Spike Timing interact in STDP - a Unified Model.

Clopath C and Gerstner W
Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, 2010

Inhibitory plasticity model


Inhibitory Plasticity Balances Excitation and Inhibition in Sensory Pathways and Memory Networks.

Vogels TP*, Sprekeler H*, Zenke F, Clopath C and Gerstner W
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TagTriC model


Tag-Trigger-Consolidation: A model of early and late long-term potentation and depression.

Clopath C, Ziegler L, Vasilaki E, Buesing L and Gerstner W
PLoS Comp. Biol., 2008, 4, e1000248

Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire model


Firing Patterns in the Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire.

Naud R, Marcille N, Clopath C and Gerstner W
Biological Cybernetics, 2008, 98:459-478

Predicting Neuronal Activity with Simple Models of the Threshold Type: Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire Model with Two Compartments.

Clopath C, Jolivet R, Rauch A, Luescher H-R and Gerstner W
Neurocomputing, 2007, 70, 1668 - 1673